Maize (Zea Mays) tissue sampling recommendations change with growth stage, suggesting to sample whole-plant at early-vegetative stages, top-collared leaf at late-vegetative stages, and ear-leaf during reproductive stages. The primary goal of this study was to explore the ability of individual-leaf selections to represent whole-plant concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), and sulfur (S). Research was conducted at the Agronomy Center for Research and Education (ACRE) near West Lafayette, IN during the 2021 and 2022 growing seasons. The experiment included three N rates (0, 151, and 241 kg N ha-1) applied as UAN (28-0-0) at V5. At V8, the 8th leaf and whole-plant were sampled. At V12, the 8th leaf, 12th leaf, and whole-plant were sampled. At both V8 and V12, leaf and whole-plant N concentrations showed strong response to N application, increasing (P<0.05) by up to 60%. At V12, 8th and 12th leaf P, in addition to 8th leaf and whole-plant S were increased by N application. Whole-plant nutrient concentrations averaged 3.41% N, 0.41% P, 2.54% K, and 0.24% S at V8. At V8, whole-plant N was 13% lower than 8th leaf N, whole-plant S was 14% lower than 8th leaf S, whole-plant P was 13% higher than 8th leaf P, and whole-plant K was 24% higher than 8th leaf K. At V12, whole-plant nutrient concentrations averaged 2.04% N, 0.25% P, 2.01% K, and 0.13% S. Relative to the 12th leaf at V12, whole-plant N was 31% lower, S was 30% lower, P was 10% lower, and K was 6% higher. Individual-leaf N and S were most similar to whole-plant N and S when the 8th leaf was sampled at V8. Leaf P was most similar to whole-plant P at V12, while leaf K was most similar to whole plant K in the 12th leaf sampled at V12.

Abstract Citation
Hanson, B. J., Verhagen, G., Crawford, M., & Vyn, T. J. (2022) Individual Leaf Selection to Best Represent Whole-Plant Nutrient Status in Maize Cropping Systems [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2022am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/143522