We are pleased introduce the first cohort of IoT4Ag’s Research Experience for Teachers program. These four Philadelphia teachers were selected from a highly competitive application pool to participate in the summer program at the University Pennsylvania. Each teacher is working with an IoT4Ag faculty on campus and developing curriculum to support the implementation of IoT4Ag sensor, batteries, and robotics outreach kits in K12 classrooms.

Robert Buckley
Locke Elementary (West Philadelphia)
What motivated you to becomes a teacher? “This is actually a choice I made later in life. I went back for my Masters in education after the experiences that I had at my daughter’s school. I get a lot of satisfaction teaching kids and realize that this was the best choice that I could have made in a career.”
What do you like to do in your free time? “My wife and I enjoy the outdoors, riding bikes and walking and exploring new places. I do a lot of landscaping at home, tinkering with anything and have an old car.”

Kathleen (Kate) Hassey
Alliance for Progress Charter School
What motivated you to becomes a teacher? “I believe everyone is a genius it’s my job to help them find it. This is why I LOVE teaching coding. It’s super challenging but EVERYONE can do it. The more you concentrate the better you do. The sky is the limit. Students struggled but once they taste success they realize I was right and they are indeed a genius.”
What do you like to do in your free time? “I am constantly working on myself. Healing old wounds pushing myself to that next level. Meditation, working out caring for my pups.”

Brandon Washington
Hamilton West High School / LaSalle University
What motivated you to becomes a teacher? “The Give Back”, Growing up in Philadelphia, I noticed the lack of equitable educational opportunities for African American youth due to socio economic constraints. I am a teacher to address the need mention in addition to using the my skillset to develop a solution. I am a teacher because of its reward and my desire to help others.”
What do you like to do in your free time? “Teach and enjoy time with my 4 year old daughter, plus design and work on entrepreneurial endeavors (IG: @ronssignaturesauce, @thestreamengine, @washieware)”

Richard (Jake) Zimney
JR Masterman School
What motivated you to becomes a teacher? “I wasn’t always the most diligent & responsible student when I was in highs school, but I always enjoyed science & thought it was of paramount of importance. So I find my work in education to be a way of repaying the karma of the universe that got me through my schooling. After pursuing a career in science, my work hit a lull. I started tutoring high school students and found I really enjoyed working with children. I shifted careers into education & feel it is a goal to make sure that students take something out of their time with me, even it is really small.”
What do you like to do in your free time? “I garden a little (we have a balcony apartment with as many plants as we think we can tend to on it…). After/during the pandemic cooking has become a new hobby of mine. I coach/mentor the school’s Science Olympiad team & a couple of other STEM activities. That takes up most of my free time during the school year. During the summer I like to unplug, travel with my partner and spend time with my family.”