K-12 Activities & Lesson Plans


IoT4Ag, in partnership with educators and educational organizations, has developed engaging activities and lesson plans to inspire students about the potential of science and technology to address critical global challenges like food, energy, and water security. By highlighting the planetary and societal issues facing agriculture, IoT4Ag aims to showcase how Internet of Things (IoT) technologies can provide innovative solutions.

We hope that these student-centered activities, focused on STEM concepts and emerging technologies for “Smart Farms,” will spark imaginations and motivate young people to become the next generation of Ag-Tech workers, designers, engineers, researchers, and leaders.

IoT4Ag Alignment with Educational Standards

IoT4Ag’s educational materials align with the 5E model developed by the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study. This model promotes student learning through hands-on experiences and reflection, recognizing that new knowledge is best acquired through active engagement and exploration.

All lessons meet Pennsylvania’s Science, Technology & Engineering, and Environmental Literacy & Sustainability (STEELS) Standards and can be adapted for students in grades 4-12.

IoT4Ag K-12 Activities & Lesson Plans

Click on the topics above to access our educational materials. The materials can be used as individual lessons or as a series. They can be used in the classroom or for informal learning environments.

The offerings on our site will continue to grow.

If you use any of these materials or have feedback on how they can be improved, please complete this feedback form.

If you have other questions, concerns, or ideas for future activities, please reach out to us at iot4ag@seas.upenn.edu!

Feedback & Reporting

Have you or your institution used these materials? Please use this form to help us understand how our K-12 education materials are being implemented and how they can be improved. Thank you in advance!

Outreach Partners